Dr. Jameel Shaik - Trying to be a better person!!!
Dr. Jameel Shaik - Trying to be a better person!!!

I have an undergraduate degree in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine & Surgery - BHMS) from India and a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Louisiana Tech University, USA. After obtaining my degree in Homeopathic medicine, I worked in private hospitals/clinics (both Allopathic and Homeopathic) for about two years and then operated my clinics in my native place for about three years before deciding to go to the United States for my Ph.D. My younger brother was instrumental in convincing me to do my Ph.D. in the US. Both of us obtained our Ph.D.s from the same institute. After returning from the US in 2007, I became a faculty member of the School of BioSciences and Technology, VIT in 2008 and worked there until May 2015. I started www.homeowealth.com in 2015 to offer Homeopathic treatment online as well as in a clinic that I first opened in Renigunta until September 2020 and am currently running in Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India. Since January 2021, I am also running the ‘Passion Life Skills Academy’ in Anantapur where I am sharing my knowledge with students and others about Spoken English, Soft and Communication Skills, etc. I am available for project consultancies and management in my areas of expertise - Nanobiotechnology, Biomedical Engg., and Homeopathic medicine. My dream is to start an affordable, integrated healthcare platform (all the six recognized systems of medicine in India - Allopathy, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Naturopathy & Yogic Medicine) as I believe that each system of medicine has its advantages as well as disadvantages and therefore ideally these systems of medicine should be offered under a single roof. I would like to apply my areas of expertise - Homeopathic medicine, Nanobiotechnology, Biomedical Engg. in medicine and allied research areas. Any like-minded individuals (especially doctors from these different systems of medicine as well as other allied fields like dentistry, physiotherapy, etc.) are most welcome to send their feedback. The best way to contact me is through e-mail. I am aware of certain groups which are already offering this but there is always plenty of room under the sun!

I have never considered writing a chore. It has always been a sort of catharsis for me. And I always do it from the heart - Direct! Just don't take my word for it. Jump in, dive into the web of emotions and things associated with the heart. And enjoy albeit for a while at least!

Medium member since August 2024
Editor of SexSutra, Islamism, and HomoeoWealth
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Dr. Jameel Shaik - Trying to be a better person!!!

Dr. Jameel Shaik - Trying to be a better person!!!


Homeopathic Physician, Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering. Budding Writer. Books reviewer (all genres). Digital health entrepreneur. https://linktr.ee/drjameels