Member-only story
The Healthcare/Wellness Conundrum — Part I

I actually wanted to write this as a review article and get it published either in Lancet or Nature Medicine or some other good medical research journal but I thought why not give it a shot on linkedin itself. Anyways, as a homeopathic physician I have always been skeptical of the enormous amount of ‘fear psychosis’ associated with health and well-being. The reason for that being that in many cases, the doctors or their treatments themselves are to blame for many diseases and this is the case especially in allopathic medicine. The blame does not lie in the system of medicine itself but I feel overprescribing drugs or other factors like lack of proper case-taking (which is fast becoming a vanishing act) or ultra-specialization, etc. are the culprits! Now let me tell you this — I am not here to promote homeopathy or denigrate allopathy or for that matter any other system of medicine. I respect all systems of medicine as each has its advantages as well as disadvantages. For example, I feel, in emergencies allopathy works best. Whereas homeopathy works best in chronic and long-standing cases. And the list goes on with the other systems of medicine too.
In its true form, “ health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”(the WHO definition of health). So any system of medicine should aim towards this…